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Challenge Notifications

Get a notification as soon as a Player completes a challenge!

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Challenge notifications allow you to get an email alert, or a webhook request as soon as someone completes a challenge in your game. Notifications pull up your player's information and send it over to the spot where you need it the most.

Email Notifications

An email will be sent to you with the following player information:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Points

  • Team

  • Group

Setting up Email Notifications

To set them up:

  1. Click Participation Game > Challenges

  2. Click on your Challenge's name

  3. Click the Notifications tab

  4. Enter the email where you want to receive the notifications

  5. Click Update

You will receive a separate email for each challenge completed by your Players.

URL Notifications

You can set up a webhook URL for automation platforms like Zappier with the following information:

Setting up URL Notifications

To set them up:

  1. Click Participation Game > Challenges

  2. Click on your Challenge's name

  3. Click the Notifications tab

  4. Enter the URL and parameters you want to collect

    1. ${firstName}

    2. ${lastName}

    3. ${email}

    4. ${points}

    5. ${team}

    6. ${group}

    7. ${timestamp}

  5. Click Update

Sample URL:${firstName}&lastName=${lastName}&email=${email}&points=${points}&team=${team}&group=${group}&timestamp=${timestamp}

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