Trivia games can be played within the APG Player App. You can choose to give your attendees a challenge they can complete on their own or group them up and play a hosted game.
Creating the Trivia Challenge
Head over to Participation Game > Challenges
Click the blue Add button
Select On their Device when the Wizard pops up and select let's start.
Choose Trivia and select next.
5. Next, enter your challenge's details:
6. Enter the Post-Completion Options:
Select Clue/Message if you want your participants to get a clue or a message after they complete the message. You can add a Call to Action button that takes them to a website or gallery.
Select Document Download if you want your participants to get access to a document after they've completed the challenge.
Select Challenge Description to take your players back to the original challenge description after they complete it.
7. After you're done, click the blue Create Trivia Game button to add the game to your Challenge.
Points structure
Depending on the type of game you've created, you can check that your current point structure matches the total amount of points the challenge will award players.
To check on your points do the following:
Go to Participation Game > Challenges and click your Challenge's name
Click the Setup tab
Check for the points awarded per question. For Quiz, Live, and Elimination games, be sure to add up the total number of points for all questions.
Click the Game Setup tab and scroll down to Game Options.
Depending on your game type, you will either have a Question limit, Time limit, or nothing related to points/questions. A little bit of math will help you determine what's the maximum amount of points a player can get if they answer everything correctly.
Now that you know how what the perfect score is for your game, head over to Participation Game > Challenges
Click the Edit button next to your challenge's name and make sure the Max Score field matches your game's perfect score.
Adding Questions to your Trivia games
SocialPoint has a question library with over 3,000 trivia questions including work topics such as Core Sales, Negotiation and Leadership skills. Plus, we have fun topics such as sports, pop culture, travel, and more. Learn More
Or you can put your own trivia questions into a spreadsheet and upload your own trivia questions in bulk.
How to Add a Single Question
Navigate to Trivia and click the Edit button for your game.
Click on the Questions tab and then click on Add Single Question.