Repurposing your Live or Self-Paced game is easy. If you need to run another game and would like to change graphics, questions or settings, try the following:
Changing the look and feel
To change how your game looks, follow these steps:
Click the Edit button on your game card
Click the Theme tab
Click the Switch Theme button
Select a new theme and click Apply Theme
Your game will now have an updated look! Just be sure to start a new game.
Changing the questions
Switching to a new question set or adding your own is very simple:
Click the Edit button on your game card
Click the Questions tab
If you want to remove your past game's questions, click the red X next to them
Click Add Question Set to use our questions, or Add Single Question to add your own
Also, be sure to start a new game!
Changing the settings on your game
Changing how scores are distributed and the text visible on the Player App can help you use the same game for different groups.
Click the Edit button on your game card
Look for the Game Options section to change your game's settings
Look for the Mobile Trivia Options section to change your game's Title, Description, and other attributes.
Switching to a different game type
To switch game types, you'll have to delete your existing game first. Be sure to save any custom graphics or questions before doing this.
Click the Play/Manage button on your game card
Turn your Gameplays offline
Click Delete
After deleting, the platform will take you to the Trivia Wizard. You can then choose to create a different game type