Your Raffle Wheel can be used in different event types, be it in person or virtual. Here's the settings and the most common use cases.
Raffle Entry Form Settings
To access your wheel's settings, click the Edit button on your game.
Game Name
You can change your game's name. This name is shown in the browser's title bar, the URL and in the backend.
Splash Screen
Enabling this feature will allow you to upload an image that is shown after a participant has entered their details on the Raffle Entry Form Screen.
Size: 1920x1080px and less than 5MB in size.
Only available if Lead Capture Form or Survey are enabled.
Kiosk Mode
This feature will show the Splash Screen (or Raffle Entry Form if there is no Splash Screen) after a player enters their details in the Raffle Entry Form.
Include Lead Capture Form
If enabled, it allows you to attach a Lead Capture form to your Raffle Entry Form Screen. Participants will fill out the form and their names will be sent to the wheel automatically.
Single Entry Mode
Only available if Lead Capture Form is enabled. This feature limits each player to one entry based on a unique email address.
This allows you to attach a survey to your Raffle Entry Form Screen. It shows up after a player has entered their Lead Capture information.