There are 3 types of users on our platform. Here's a list of their capabilities, how to add, and how to manage them:
User types
Organization Admin: This role can create events, manage users, assign modules to events and configure solutions. Usually, an organization has one or two Org Admins.
Event Admin: These are content managers who are responsible for one or more events. They are responsible for moderating social media displays or managing trivia games, etc. These people will typically be involved in updating content, downloading data and reviewing reports.
Event Tech: This role is responsible for setting up solutions on iPads or screens onsite. You can give this person access to setup your social walls, leaderboards, prize wheels, etc. onsite without exposing them to all of your backend data.
Adding an Organization or Event Admin
After setting up an event, you should add Event Admins so they help you manage and run your Event. Here's how to add them:
Click on User Accounts
Click the Event Admin tab
Click the Add button
Fill out their information
On the Events field, choose the event you want to assign this Event Admin to. If you want to assign the same Event Admin to multiple events, you'll want to hold the Control/⌘ key while clicking on the events.
Organization Admins can be added from the Org Admins tab. Please refer to the descriptions above to make sure you know who gets to be an Organization Admin along with you.
Inviting an Event Tech
The Tech Access Link and PIN are a layer of security that allows you to give out limited access to your event to your staff members.
With this link, your staff can access and display Leaderboards, Prize Wheels, and any other content that is meant to be attendee-facing.
To find the link click on the Event Settings icon for your event, and look for the Tech Access Link and the Tech Access PIN.
When accessed, the system will ask for the PIN and give out the display options available.
Note that Tech Access PIN does not allow users to change anything within the game. Event Admins and Org Admins are the only users allowed to make changes in the backend.
Managing a user
To update or delete a user, follow these steps:
Click on the User Accounts icon to the left to display all users who have been added to your Organization and Events
Click on the Edit button next to each name to update the user's information: First Name, Last Name, Email, or the Event they're assigned to if they are Event Admins
Click on the Event tag and then Delete if you want to remove a user from that event
Click View Event to go to the event