Conducting a dry run of your game allows you to see if there are any details you missed when setting up your game. Some common issues people identify are:
Points structure: Are rewards challenging but not frustrating? Do I have all rewards on the system?
Graphics: Is the Player App readable? Do I have the right graphics on all displays?
Content: Are there any typos or copy changes needed?
QR Codes (if applicable): Do I have the right QR Codes where needed?
If I am turning on/off challenges, do I have the timing down for showing / hiding challenges?
This guide is broken down into the following sections
1. Get Your Game Links
All of your Game links are in on the Links Screen:
Navigate to Participation Game > Links
You should find the following links:
Player App link
QR Code links
Results Screens (photo galleries, polls, word clouds, etc)
Leaderboard Links
Reward Links
Staff-Scored App Link
2. Register/Login as a player
There are thtree ways to register and Login as a player:
Auto-Login through your Event App
Login as a player
Login from Pre-registration
Auto-Login Through Your Event App
Start by adding your player app link with your data tags to your event app. (See instructions).
Then login to your event app and join the game.
Check the following:
The game opens when you click the button in your event app
You are logged in automatically and land on the challenges page.
Login As a Player
If your game is using mobile Registration, then you will want to login to the player app link directly.
Check the following:
All registration fields are active
All required fields work as expected
All links to terms and conditions, and external web sites are setup properly
Any domain restrictions are activated.
Login from Pre-registration
If In-App Registration is not active, then you will need to add yourself to your game and login with a PIN Code.
Add yourself as a player under Participation Game > Players
Note your pin code
Go to the Player app and enter your email address and pin code.
3. Test your game
Once you're in, play the challenges. Most users will want to check for the following:
Points structure: Are rewards challenging but not frustrating? Do I have all rewards on the system?
Graphics: Is the Player App readable? Do I have the right graphics on all displays?
Content: Are there any typos or copy changes needed?
QR Codes (if applicable): Do I have the right QR Codes where needed?
Turn on / off Challenges: Do I know which challenges should be visible and hidden?
Try Any Real time onsite games to make sure you feel comfortable: If you have live trivia, raffle wheels and prize wheels, make sure that you run through those and feel comfortable about how the game works.
4. Update Your Game
Once you're done testing, be sure to make any updates to your game. You will have access to the back end to make the following updates:
Update your Registration and Login
Update your game Theme, graphics and labels
Add, update or Delete any game challenges and related information.
Add, update, or Delete any drawings, instant win games or rewards.
5. Erase your test data
Once you're done testing, you'll want to remove yourself from the leaderboard and any activities you have completed. Here's how to erase your test data:
Under Participation Game, head over to Players
Click the Reset All Activity button
Delete any test players who will not play the game.
After you've removed your data, you're ready to send out the link to your players and go live!
Click "Delete All" to delete all players and player activity. We only recommend doing this if your testers will not be playing the game.