Depending on what you are doing we recommend the following with the internet:
Screen Displays: Social Media Wall
Hardwired Line: ethernet cable with 3Mbps download speed is recommended.
Displays that include photos and videos should have a dedicated line, because there will be a lot of content moving.
Displays such as Twitter Metrics or Social Media Leaderboards can share or hardware line OR use dedicated wifi.
All Other Displays: Audience Response Results, Prize Wheel, Trivia Leaderboard, etc.
Hardwired Line: ethernet cable with 3Mbps download speed is recommended.
Dedicated wifi can be used.
Dynamic IP is sufficient (Static IP is not necessary)
We do not recommend putting the display computer on the same wifi as all of your event attendees.
Tablet Apps: Trivia iPad, Virtual Prize Wheel iPad or Audience Response Kiosk Mode
In some venues hot spots work very well.
If hotspots don't work in your venue - try wifi on a dedicated network
Dynamic IP is sufficient (Static IP is not necessary)
App: Audience Response
If your event is offering bandwidth, you can use the PSAV bandwidth calculator to estimate your capacity needs:
Dedicated wifi can be used.
Please remember that many attendees will use cell service.
App: Lead Manager
Your Phone's cell service or event wifi is sufficient.