If you want to upload your own set of questions, you can do so by adding questions into our Excel template and then uploading them into your Trivia Configuration.
Using the Excel template
Download the excel template here, or use the link available in the backend, under the Upload questions from Excel spreadsheet section.
When open, fill out the columns and remember to use mc4 for Multiple Choice or tf for True/False questions under Type (Column A).
Once you're done, save the file and upload it into the game.
Hot Tip: to mix your own questions with one of our Ready-to-Play games, make sure you use the same Category Name in your Excel sheet so they are all grouped up once you upload the file.
Question Types
The very first column in our template asks for a type of question to be added to your game. We have Multiple Choice and True/False questions, and each one breaks into its own subtypes. Here's the full list as well as the specifications for each:
mc4: Multiple choice β Must inlcude total 4 answers each
mc4ph: Multiple choice with Horizontal (600 Wide X 300 Tall) photo, up to 2MB, JPG or PNG
mc4ps: Multiple choice with Square (300 Wide X 300 Tall) photo, up to 2MB, JPG or PNG
mc4pv: Multiple choice with Vertical (300 Wide X 600 Tall) photo, up to 2MB, JPG or PNG
mc4vd: Multiple Choice with a video showing before the question (click here to find how to embed your video)
tfph:True/False with Horiztonal (600 wide X 300 Tall) photo, up to 2MB, JPG or PNG
tfps: True/False with Square (300 wide X 300 Tall) photo, up to 2MB, JPG or PNG
tfpv:True/False with Vertical (600 wide X 300 Tall) photo, up to 2MB, JPG or PNG
tfvd: True/False with a video showing before the question (click here to find how to embed your video)
Uploading the questions to your game
To upload your Excel file, follow these steps:
Click the Edit button on your game
Go to the Questions tab
Browse your computer for the file and upload the questions