If you are creating multiple events, we recommend using our template and bulk uploading your challenges into the backend to save time.
Using the template
Download the Challenge template here.
Once you open it, fill out the columns:
Type: There are 6 types: In-App, In-App Trivia, Kiosk - Fishbowl, Kiosk - Trivia, Check-in, and Staff Scored.
Name: type in the challenge's name
Title: this is what players will see as the challenge's name in the Player App
Description: the description will be visible in the Challenge list and on the Challenge itself.
Points: assign a point value to this challenge
Code: if you're creating a Staff Scored challenge fill this out with the code required from your players
Instructions: the instructions will tell your players what to do once inside of the challenge
Badge type: choose either Icon or Image. If Image, you can update it after the challenges have been uploaded.
Badge Color: choose a color for your badge. Make sure it's in RGBA.
Icon Color: choose a color for the icon on the badge. This should also be in RGBA.
Badge Icon: use fontawesome to browse and select an icon. Type in the name on this column.
Image: leave this column blank.
Kiosk Mode: Set to Off if you're uploading QR Code challenges
Kiosk Thank You Message: Thank you players for participating in a QR Code or Kiosk Challenge. You can add a clue or give instructions on how to find the next QR Code
Group: Set challenges to be available to a group. Groups must be enabled first.
Visibility: Set it to Visible if you want it to show on the challenges list. Set it to Hidden if you want it to be hidden from your players.
Hot Tip: if there is anything else written on the template other than the challenges on their corresponding columns, you will get an error message when uploading.
Save the file once you're done. You're now ready to upload all of your challenges into the backend!
Uploading into the backend
After saving the file:
Navigate to Participation Game Home > Challenges
Click the blue Add button
Select Upload Challenges
Click on the Choose File button to browse your computer for the Excel file you've just created. After selecting it, click on Upload Challenges.
All challenges should now be loaded into the backend.
Adding images
To add images to your challenges:
On your challenges list, click the Edit button next to your Challenge
Look for Media Type. Set it to Image and then upload a picture.
3. To set an image as the badge, make sure you've selected Image on the Badge Type field. You can then browse your computer for the image and then save changes.
4. To add an image to the description, upload your picture on the Image field and then save changes.