This is the first step towards creating a Media Library that is available across the entire platform. We started with APG Challenges to lay a stable foundation and work ourselves towards the rest of the APG Module in early 2024.
Media Library
Users are now able to upload, store, re-use, sort, search, and rename image files within the SocialPoint Game Portal.
Media Library only available on the following fields:
Media Type - Image
Badge Type - Image
Media Library pops up when user clicks “Choose File” button
Media Library allows for users to:
Upload pictures
Upload documents
Select previously uploaded pictures for use in Challenge Media / Challenge Badge
Remove uploaded images from Library
Rename media files
Sorting capabilities
A to Z
Z to A
Event Admins: able to see media for the event they are working on
Org Admins: able to see media for the event they are working on (to be expanded)