We release new features and fixes every 2-4 weeks, depending on the complexity and number of tickets. Here's a list of our most recent releases and a quick summary:
12/14/2023 - Media Library
Media library available to APG Challenges
Users are now able to upload, store, sort, rename, and re-use images within the SocialPoint Game Portal
Click here for more details
11/30/2023 - Leaderboard and Tablet updates
APG Leaderboard (in-app, display) update
Users able to hide player last names
Users able to show last name initials only
Trivia Leaderboard (in-app, display) update
Users able to hide player last names
Users able to show last name initials only
iPad Sizes update
Display works on any tablet or iPad that has a 3:4 aspect ratio screen
Improved labels and help text on Trivia settings pages
11/16/2023 - Participation Game Fixes
Leads can now be downloaded per challenge
Player App Previews available under the Theme tab
11/09/2023 - Participation Game Fixes
Participation Game
Clickable links now have a custom font color
API: duplicate player requests are treated as an UPDATE, it no longer returns an error message or interrupts the request
Fixed a bug that was not hiding challenges under specific circumstances
Improved default values for labels on the APG Player App
10/26/2023 - User Experience Fixes
Prize Manager fixes:
Improved Name Picker background images for all themes
Improved Name Picker player table sizes and layouts
Fixed Raffle Wheel previews
Fixed Name Picker previews
Better layout for Name Picker and Raffle Wheel settings
Notifications: added a custom parameter to URL notifications
10/12/2023 - Prize Manager & Reward Fixes
Notifications now available to Prize Wheel Rewards in Participation Game
Prize Manager Wizard fixes
More themes added to the Theme Selection step
Better labels for Raffle Wheel and Name Picker wizards
Improved Copy Game interface
09/28/2023 - Prize Manager & Rewards Fixes
Name Picker fixes
Improved settings to allow for minimal edits to run a game
Raffle Wheel fixes
Improved settings to allow for minimal edits to run a game
APG - Reward fixes
Raffle and Name picker included as Reward options for Participation Games
Event creation validation fixes
09/072023 - Lead Forms and Surveys
Better labels and formatting for Name Picker and Raffle Wheel settings pages
Lead Form and Survey navigation improved
New dropdown to select from existing Survey/Lead Form
Create button takes user to Survey/Lead Form creation screen
Edit button takes users to edit current Survey/Lead Form
Prize Wheel Notifications
Users can set an email to get a notification every time a player spins the wheel
URL notifications allow for admins to receive player data everytime the wheel is spun
08/17/2023 - Name Picker and Raffle Wheel
New game for Prize Manager: Name Picker
Has both the Name Picker and Lead Capture display
New game for Prize Manager: Raffle Wheel
Has both the Raffle Wheel and Lead Capture display
Click here for more details
07/20/2023 - QR Code Challenge Update
QR Code Challenges now work within the APG Player App
QR Codes can be accessed from the Challenges List
QR Code Mode Only setting allow for an improved QR Code Experience
Click here for more details
07/06/2023 - Trivia Screen Fixes
Rules, Completion, and Elimination screens centered
Data Deletion Automation improvements
Click here for more details
06/22/2023 - APG Prize Wheel CTA
APG Prize Wheels can now send player information to third-party websites
Regular Prize Wheels can now include a CTA button
Better reward notifications for APG, including the long-awaited animated Confetti!
Click here for more details.
06/08/2023 - APG Login Update
APG Login improved for the Player App and QR Codes
Game Description, Kiosk Instructions, and Prize Wheel Instructions fields now accept media (Links, Image URLs, Embedded videos from YouTube and Vimeo)
Click here for more details.
05/25/2023 - Productivity Updates
Event Suite: Embed Access turned on by default
APG QR Code Downloader
Trivia: Quick Edit interface added to Questions
Virtual Prize Wheel: Quick Edit interface added to Prizes
APG: Quick Edit interface added to Challenges
05/04/2023 - APG Status Page Updates
We reworked the Status Page to give you more branding options and an updated look and feel to the App.
Data management improvements for expired events