Managing your players is an essential component for a successful event. Here's how to:
Pre-loading players
This option is useful when you want to make sure you have a limited list of players that can join and play the game.
The first step is to gather their information and fill out this Player Upload template.
Once that's done, head to, login, and do the following:
Click on Participation Game
Click on Players and then click on the Choose File button
Select your Player Upload file and then click on Upload Players
Hot Tip: players must have a 6-digit PIN and it should be unique to each player.
Once it finishes uploading, your players will be listed on this page. Make sure you don't go over the Player Limit for your event.
When logging in to the game, your players should enter their email or phone number and ask the platform to send them their PIN.
Once they have their PIN, they can access the game.
For a detailed step by step guide, click here.
Deleting Players
To delete a player from the game, all you have to do is log in to and do the following:
Click on Participation Game
Click on Players
Click on the red X button next to the player's name
This will remove the player from the game and leaderboards. Make sure to delete only if you know this player won't join the game later. Deleting a player will permanently remove all challenge and score information linked to him or her.
Hot Tip: if this player has played a Trivia challenge, make sure to follow these steps:
Go to Trivia and click on Players
Click on the red X button next to that player's name
Updating Player Scores
To edit a player's score, login to and follow these steps:
Click on Participation Game
Click on Challenges and then go to the Challenge where you want to edit the score.
Click on the Players tab and look for the player you want to update the score for.
Click on the Edit button next to the player's name
Edit the points accordingly.
Changing Player information
If a player signed up with the wrong email address, phone number or name, you can edit that player's details by following these steps:
Click on Participation Game.
Click on Players and look for the player you want to do the edits for.
Click on the Edit button next to the player's name.
Edit the player's details.
Ask the player to logout from the APG Player app and log back in.
The player details will be updated!