SocialPoint gives you several options for managing your challenges to create the perfect multi-day game experience for your players. Here's a quick guide on managing your challenges.
Re-order Challenges
If you want to change the order in which challenges are displayed both for you and your attendees, navigate to Participation Game>Challenges
You'll see a list of the challenges that have been created for your event.
To re-organize them, use the Up and Down arrows next to them.
Showing and Hiding Challenges
Challenges can be displayed for as long as you like on the Player App. If you want to limit the time your attendees can access a Challenge:
Navigate to Participation Game > Challenges
Toggle the green switch in the "Visible in Player App" Column to turn a Challenge Offline
Toggle the grey switch to turn a Challenge Online
Turning Challenges Online and Offline
Challenges can also be turned Online or Offline:
Navigate to Participation Game > Challenges
Toggle the green switch in the "Online Column" to turn a Challenge Offline
Toggle the grey switch to turn a Challenge Online
You can have a challenge be both:
Online and Visible in the Player App
Online and Hidden from the Player App
Offline and Hidden From the Player App
Quick-editing a Challenge
You can change a Challenge name, description, score, and icon anytime you need to.
Navigate to Participation Game>Challenges and look for the challenge you'd like to edit.
Click the Edit button next to the Up/Down arrows
Make the edits you need and then click Update, changes will go live immediately.
Removing Players From a Challenge
You can remove all players or an individual player from a challenge.
Navigate to Participation Game > Challenges
Choose the Challenge you want to remove players from
Navigate to the Players tab
Click Clear All Players to remove all players
Click on the Red X to remove one player from a challenge.
Click Clear All Players to remove all players from your challenge.