9 articles
Adding a QR Code Check-in
Adding an In-App Challenge to your Attendee Participation GameHere's how to add and manage In-App challenges for your APG
Bulk Uploading ChallengesDoing over 20 challenges? Save time by uploading them into the platform!
Adding Check-in Challenges to your Attendee Participation GameCheck-in challenges are a great way to drive traffic and raise awareness of your brand and products. Here's how to set them up!
Creating and Managing a Photo Challenge
Creating an In-App Trivia ChallengeAdd any game type to your event!
Staff Scored Challenges for your Attendee Participation GameDo you want to give out points for wearing a funny hat to work or to the best cake in a Bake Off competition? Here's how!
Adding Links to your Challenge InstructionsUse links and media to boost participation!
Adding Links, Images, and Videos to your Challenges